We have an incredible opportunity to kick things in high gear for completing Phase 2—the second Sanctuary! On Sunday, October 6th, at our 9:00am and 11:00am services, we will receive a Flood Relief offering dedicated to completing the demo-ed second Sanctuary. Iglesia Nueva Creación, Revolution YTH, Encounter, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, Potter’s House of Prayer, Weddings & Ceremonies, etc., all waiting for this space to be done so we can hit on all levels with new salvations, rededications, and life change! Thank you for playing a role in rebuilding.
Thanks to your generosity, Phase 1 (finishing the Kids’ Wing and Sanctuary Carpet) has been completed! We have moved on to Phase 2, which will rebuild the Youth Room/Hispanic Church. This room is our most used. Iglesia Nueva Creación, Revolution YTH, Encounter, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, Potter’s House of Prayer, Weddings & Ceremonies, etc. all use this space, and we’re excited for God to encounter people there. We will provide more updates during services in the upcoming weeks. We are grateful for your donations. Thank you!
At this point, the Kids’ Wing will NOT be open for the rest of July. We still want you to come and worship as a family on Sundays at 9:00am for English and 11:00am for Spanish! Midweek service will be held Wednesday, July 10th, 6:30-7:30pm in the main sanctuary for all ages. We will continue to update you each week with further information.
Thank you to all the incredible volunteers who came to help clean up our church! With all the help, we’re excited to announce we will be:
IN-PERSON at 9:00AM for English and 11:00am for Spanish for a one-hour service.
We will meet in the main sanctuary. The Kids’ Wing is still down due to water damage, so plan on having the kids in service with everyone. We love and appreciate all the prayers and support during this rebuilding time.
Our building has been battling water since Monday, June 24, when persistent water came into it. We are currently in the process of drying out the building. Unfortunately, our building is not currently safe for a corporate gathering because the Kids’ rooms and parking lot are not ready to host. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the 100+ volunteers who have dedicated their time and effort this week. We couldn’t have done this without you!
When available, we would like you to watch our Sunday, June 30th services on Facebook, YouTube, or our website.
A Flood Relief Committee of staff and congregation members has been created to tackle the task at hand. The damage is significant, but with the help of so many, we’re confident that the future is bright. We will update you with costs as we assess damages and get estimates.
A Flood Relief Fund has been created, and your role in restoring what’s been damaged and finishing the vision to arise and build a great project in God’s sight is crucial. If the Lord is touching your heart and you want to contribute, we are grateful for every gift. Together, we will RISE. BUILD. FINISH.
We encourage you to meet if you are currently in a Connect Group! It is up to your group what day and time you want to meet.
The next few days will be quiet to let the building dry fully. Then, we will spread the word about volunteer opportunities.
Mark your calendars for the Church Cleanup Day this upcoming Saturday - July 6 starting at 9:00am.
Please check New Creation’s Facebook and Instagram accounts for the most up-to-date information. We will also continue updating this website. Your continued support and prayers are invaluable as we navigate this challenging yet uniting time together. Thank you all for your help, support, and prayers!
Our building might look different, but remember, WE ARE THE CHURCH!
With Love,
New Creation Leadership & Staff